Bellingham United Reformed Church began in October 2002 as a church plant of the United Reformed Church of Lynden, Washington. About 40 people were part of this core group, with the desire to plant a confessionally Reformed church in a city of 70,000 people.
From the beginning, our focus has been on three things:
- Preaching the good news of Jesus Christ;
- Administering the sacraments;
- Practicing Biblical church discipline.
From our initial group of 40 people, we have grown to about 140 members. In December 2009, we moved into our new facility, located at 4454 Pacific Highway in Bellingham.

Each Lord’s Day we gather in the morning and in the evening to meet with God and to receive His good gifts from His open hand, and to respond to His grace with thankful worship. We do not gather to hear a message of self-improvement or tips for living. Rather, we gather to hear God’s Law proclaimed, which exposes our sin and depravity, followed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, which is our only comfort. We gather to hear Christ proclaimed from all of Scripture, so that we might rightly understand the Word of God and follow Him as His people in this world, all the while looking forward to the life of the world to come.
We give glory to God for His continued blessing on this local congregation as we seek to be faithful to our Lord’s commission to make disciples of all nations.